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First Aid Online Resources

I often find it tricky to find first aid resources and while I believe taking a full course and getting certified is super important, I also want to be able to touch on first aid lessons during our studies. 

First aid holds a very valuable place in our family as my husband used his first aid training to provide CPR to a beloved extended family member in what was an extremely traumatic incident in our family. He alongside one of his aunts saved the life of this family member and we are forever grateful for his confidence in his skills and quick intervention in that moment.

As I plan for the fall I was looking up first aid resources and was happy to find some on

The site is large and they offer so many courses, lessons and even lesson plans (for teachers). If you want to find a list yourself, head to the search bar and type in “first aid”. Then instead of clicking “top results” or “courses” click on “lessons”. 

This way you can immediately see at a glance the topic for each lesson and pick which one is applicable of you there. 

A few lesson titles you might see:

⛑️ First Aid for Fractures

⛑️ Burns, Heatstroke & Electrical Shock

⛑️ Bleeding and Puncture Wounds

⛑️ Chemical Burns

⛑️ Eye Injuries and Head Trauma

⛑️ Grease Burns

⛑️ Dislocated Finger

These are just a few examples! I’m thinking it next year we might institute “First Aid Fridays” where we pick a first aid lesson to work through and role play. 

If you’d like to check out for yourself you can use my link for 25% off your first month subscription. 


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