"ish" Day Plan
Alright... I know having a ton of resources thrown at you may also feel overwhelming in that you have to sort through them all and come up with a plan. I figured I'd go ahead and make up a simple day plan that all revolves around one theme and that is super simple to put together and move through.
I want it to me usable for a broad age range but just go through and adjust anything you think you'll have to for younger or older kids. What I've found in my years of homeschooling and public school teaching is that it's pretty simple to flex activities to make them work for varying ability levels. Also... I always recommend that parents join in on the activities. It's actually one of the most fun things about homeschooling. I do most of what my kids do.
If you haven't watched my IGTV on "Bookish Play" you could watch that for a little extra insight as I'm going to start with the book I used as an example on that video. ( @monique.willms )
So... today let's dive into the book "ish" by Peter Reynolds. Good news you don't even have to own the book, we're going to let Ryan and Craig read it to you!
These are two adult comedians who read story books and they're hilarious. Let your kids go down a rabbit trail of watching all the videos they want lol.
Step 1: Play this video
Step 2: Talk about it. Maybe even watch it again.
Questions to ask...
- Have you ever felt like you weren't good enough at something and that you should stop doing it?
- Has anyone ever said something mean that made you second guess yourself?
- What have you tried recently that you're not very good at yet?
Step 3: "ish" drawings
Write the following words on slips of paper, fold and put in a container to be drawn out of.
Tree, wave, bird, alligator, sky scraper, butterfly, camera
*add some of your kids favourite things or objects that have meaning to your family
Have your kids take a slip and draw whatever is on that paper. Doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be ish. Have them draw some of their own ideas as well.
You can do this with markers, crayons, pencil crayons, paints - up to you!
*Extension: Create an ish book with a collection of all your ish drawings
Game Option: You can also add in a little game of pictionary here. Lots of ish drawing in that game! The app Sketch Party is fun if you have an ipad an apple TV as you can cast it onto the screen while you draw on the ipad.
Step 4: ish Challenge
Pick something that you aren't good at yet. It could be different for each person.
Here's a few ideas
- A cartwheel
- a skateboard trick
- beating a certain time running a distance or climbing a hill
- throwing a certain distance
- hitting a target with a ball
- some type of trick shot (think Dude Perfect)
Go OUTSIDE and attempt the challenge. Have fun with it. Help each other get better, let it lead to other unstructured outdoor play.
Step 5: Poetry-ish
Have some fun with words. I think any writing kids do can be beneficial.
Write a poem where every other line ends in an "ish" word.
* You can take this up a notch by using large paper or a roll of kraft paper if you have it and put it on the kitchen table and set out some snacks. Put out the markers and have everyone write their poem on the kraft paper.
NOTE: for young children who are "pre-writers" you don't need to exclude them! They are writers too and they'll surprise you with their awesome ideas. Your job is now to be their scribe or secretary. They'll tell you what to write and you'll jot it down for them. I also usually liked to have my pre-writer add pictures or doodles to what I was writing down for them.
Step 6: Music
So I just found this tonight - didn't know this video existed but there's an ISH song!
Your older kids may not be super on board. Use your discretion. I think littles will love it.
Step 7: Yoga - ish
Time to get moving again. Cosmic Kids Yoga is a fun way to get kids moving and stretching while engaging in a story. I'll link one video but choose one that would be of interest to your kids!
Step 8: Read to Self
Any place - Any time!
Ramon loved to draw. Any place. Any time - so let's read there! Challenge your kids to pick an unusual place to read to themselves. Maybe it's under the kitchen table, maybe in a pillow fort, maybe in a closet with a flashlight, maybe up in a tree! Aim for 15-20 minutes.
For your pre-readers you can set them up with a picture book and just have them look at the pictures. Or you could use an app like VOOKS where they can watch animated story books on a tablet or phone.
*Vooks currently has a 1 month free trial you can utilize
Alright - this is a fair amount of stuff! There's a good chance you wouldn't have the time or attention span to get through it all. That's not a problem, pay attention to your kids and see what they can handle. Take lots of breaks. If they're showing a lot of interest in one activity just let it play out for however long it takes them.
Let me know if this was helpful and if you want more! Also tag me if you do the activities - I'd love to see!
You've got this!
~ Monique