If Gary Paulson were to introduce this study we think he might say something like:
“Alright, listen up, writers. You think you want to write like me, Gary Paulsen? Like scraping the grit of survival onto the page, huh? Well, this isn’t summer camp story time. This is about getting down to the bone, the bare-knuckle truth of words. We'll be talking wilderness, sure, the bite of the wind and the gnaw of hunger. But mostly, we'll be wrestling with words, learning how to make them fight for you. No flowery stuff here. We'll be using echoes to hammer home a point, shrapnel sentences to show, not tell, and gritty descriptions that pack a punch. You’ll learn to throw rocks at your characters and get wild with your words. Over nine lessons, we'll sweat and struggle, learn how to build a story that immerses your reader like a blizzard in the arctic, and maybe, just maybe, squeeze a decent story out of you. This isn’t for the faint of heart. You ready? Then let's get started.”
Gary Paulsen is one of our family’s favourite authors and he was often first author I suggested to my public school students who hated reading - they all loved him too. We hope you enjoy learning a bit more about this legend who gave us over 200 books and that you feel inspired by him as you find your own voice as a writer. This Writer’s Workshop study includes the following lessons:
🪓 Gary Paulsen Life Timeline - Research and add events
🪓 Pivotal Moments - Learn about the librarian who changed Paulsen’s life and reflect on your own influences.
🪓 Descriptive Writing - How to punch your readers in the gut.
🪓 The Madness of Moose - Lessons on Personal Anecdotes
🪓 Climbing through Plot - using elements of plot to tell your personal story.
🪓 Wild Words - 2 lessons on gritty vocabulary
🪓 Throw Rocks at your Characters - Conflict is king. Let’s learn how to use it.
🪓 Echoes & Shrapnel Sentences - perfect Paulsen’s signature use of “re-says” and artful sentence fragments.
🪓 Wild Words Throwdown - Put together all you learned and write your own short survival story.
This resource is chalked full of explicit writing exercises and lessons written in the voice of Paulsen that is sure to coax even the most reluctant writer into crafting with their words.
Suitable to a wide range of ages as you'll just require higher level writing from your older students.
Ages 10-16+
Digital PDF Product - you will receive the download link immediately at purchase.
Non refundable due to immediate sending of links.
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