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This book contains 47 whimsical, creative and engaging educational projects in a concise and practical format. 


In my 20 years as an educator (both public school and homeschooling) some of my greatest joy has come from coming up with whimsical, creative, out of the box projects to invite my students into and seeing their creativity and imagination come alive.


I firmly believe that we should rarely, if ever, be bored when we're learning. Life is fascinating and we are each intrinsically creative beings. When we as educators can allow for creative expression of what we're learning with unique and out of the box projects we see increased student engagement, joy in learning, ownership of a project, and high levels of creativity.


My approach to education is that learning is not segmented into blocks of subjects. All content is connected and I believe that we all have increased understanding when we explore content from many angles. The projects included in this book can be used for really any content in any "subject" area. Whether you homeschool or public school these projects have a place. 


Whether you create your own unit studies, used a boxed curriculum, or unschool these projects have a place. 


I hope you find these projects light the same spark in your students as they have in both my students and my own children.

Whimsy Schooling Ebook

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