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New Release!


What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done while sleep walking? Have you ever experienced the terror of sleep paralysis? Can dreams really tell the future?


These are some of the fascinating questions we’re researching in the new Weird World of Sleep Guided Research and Expository Essay project!


How do these work? I take my 2 decades of teaching writing experience and create pretty much a no fail package for you that takes all the guesswork out of teaching writing. 


We have two stages:


1 - Saturation in the content. I’ve sourced quality resources (videos, online articles and readings) and created engaging activities to get your kids working with the content and learning research skills. 


2 - Guided Writing - I’ve developed a cut and paste prompt system that guides your students through every step of writing a cohesive essay. This is a beefier essay that includes 6 topical paragraphs between intro and conclusion.


I hear from people all the time who share how these projects made writing enjoyable for both reluctant and enthusiastic writers and how much it levelled up their writing. 


This project is extremely high interest and researches parasomnias such as dreaming, lucid dreaming, sleep walking, nightmares/terrors, sleep paralysis and precognitive dreams. In going through all the research activities you’re essentially doing a unit on parasomnia at the same time. 


Ages: 12-16 is the sweet spot but you can go younger with supports and older by expecting a higher level of writing and/or additional research. 


Timeline: Typically a 2-4 week project from start to finish depending on your schedule. 


Note: The topic of Sleep Paralysis might be a bit unsettling for sensitive learners. Use your discretion. You can skip it and still have loads of content for the essay. 


* Digital Resource: PDF*

Purchase is non-refundable as the link download is sent immediately at purchase. 

Weird World of Sleep Guided Research & Essay Project

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