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I’ve had many requests for a Canadian history unit and while my time is tight and I’m not able to create an entire new study on this topic I DO have a bunch of history lessons peppered through the Canadian Waypoints series…. SO I’ve compiled them into this Snapshots of Canadian History unit study. (Read on - these are not new lessons).


Why Snapshots? 


History of any area is long and complex and that can cause creators from shying away from building units. Being tied to a detailed timeline feels overwhelming. Snapshots allows me to focus in on various glimpses of Canadian history so that we’re still learning history but outside the confines of a traditional timeline. 


In this 18 lesson unit study geared for ages 10-16 you’ll 3 categories of history:


Snapshots of First Peoples of Canada


Snapshots of Canada’s Geological History


Snapshots of Local Canadian History - smaller scale events that made an impact


Using this study 3x a week will take you roughly 6 weeks to move through. 


VERY IMPORTANT - ALL of the lessons in this study are from the Waypoints Series. If you have all of the Waypoints, you already have ALL of these lessons (except for 1 on the Inuit which is from an upcoming unit and is not available until that time). 


Topics Include:


🍁 First Peoples including the Haida, Stoney-Nakoda, Metis, Huron-Wendat, Mi’kmaq, and Inuit


🍁The Red River & Northwest Resistance + Research Project


🍁 The Forks - a meeting place + Changing Scenery project


🍁Geological History of Bay of Funny, Joggins Fossil Cliffs, Drumheller, Healing Waters


🍁 Local History: Fraser Gold Rush, Moose Jaw Tunnels, Frank Slide, L’Anse aux Meadows


Digital Download - PDF

No refunds due to links being sent immediately. 

No refunds if you did not read the entire despcription and already own Waypoints units. Please note again - these lessons are ALL from current Waypoints units and are NOT new. 

Snapshots of Canadian History

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